So a while back I had some purple hair. Not the extreme all over purple, just a little bit at the tip of my hair. It was fun, something fresh, I liked it. But, the color faded too quickly and I was applying purple die to my hair almost every other week, and that wasn’t much fun. Plus there was that period recently where I was trying to find a new job and purple hair doesn’t exactly improve the odds. So, last month I grabbed a box of Garnier dark brown hair dye. My hair is really dark brown, so I got the shade “Darkest Brown”. It worked perfectly to get my hair back to an all over natural looking dark brown. Plus it didn’t smell absolutely horrible! It smelled only slightly horrible; there was enough avocado, grape seed, and olive oil to combat the chemical smell.
So, this weekend I noticed that the tips of my hair were getting too light, (not purple) just a really light brown, almost blond in some areas. So I grabbed the EXACT same color Garnier hair die “darkest brown”.
I went about my way, did everything as the box instructed. I washed it out and let my hair air dry. Then when I was time to get ready for church I went in the bathroom and got the hair dryer out and went to work.
I glanced in the mirror; it took me a minute to realize that my hair was not dark brown. Doth mine eyes deceive me? No, they did not! My hair was in fact not dark brown but BLACK.
That’s what I said. B L A C K, black! Jake had a good giggle about the sound I made when I discovered this new color. I ran to the trash can to make sure that I hadn’t picked up the wrong box (just to give Garnier the benefit of the doubt- It could have been my fault). NOPE! There it was on the box “darkest brown” the EXACT same one I used last time.
So, after I verified that Garnier had indeed failed me, I began to rant! Why did I have to get a miss-marked box? I didn’t want BLACK hair, I wanted Dark Brown! Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against black hair! It can be very beautiful! I just wasn’t expecting my hair to be BLACK!
The good thing is that it doesn’t look terrible or unnatural. At least it wasn’t something like blond or red. Once again, nothing wrong with those colors, but I would have looked ridiculous as a blond. So, it looks like I will be trying this out for at least a month or so.
I kind of like it…
I like it, too! It's kind of a mellow black, not old-lady-with-a-beehive-at-the-steakhouse-on-Friday-night black. That must have been a shock, though. Thumbs down to Garnier (and their pretentious, "we think we're French" name).
ReplyDeleteI agree! Although, in light of recent events I needed a change so I ended up cutting my hair short again!