Thursday, June 23, 2011

Project Two

So a few weeks ago I decided that I wanted to make a tote…

I wanted a bag that was big enough that I could throw my sketch book, an extra shirt for when I spill something on myself, a pair of flip flops for when my “cute” shoes are killing me, and other random things that just wouldn’t fit in any of my purses. Essentially something as big as a backpack but cute.  

I had a little bit of scrap material left over so I did a bit of Google-ing for some ideas and after work a few weeks ago I sat down and started at it. The tall one (my husband) sat on the couch reading while I sat at our kitchen table cutting and sewing away on the new sewing machine while we watched In Plain Sight on the Wii with Netflix.  (That’s an awesome Friday night if I do say so myself)

                Let me make a side note:
1.       The Wii is awesome, along with Netflix I have no real reason to go outside.
2.       In Plain Sight has really grown on me. Marshall Mann…oh I could just eat him up!  He is just sweetness personified.  

Ok, back to the tote.  So, I spent Friday night measuring and cutting the material and I sewed the straps.  I knew it was time for bed when I had to remove a seam because I wasn’t paying attention and sewed the wrong pieces together.  I got up the next morning and busted it out in no time. 

I am pretty happy with it as far as size and pocket space.  If I could make it again I would have loved to have had some different material, but since it was basically free and I made it in time it took to watch 4 episodes of In Plain Sight I’m not complaining.  (Let’s call it 3.5 hours…I was distracted my Marshall Mann....)

There is even a pocket on the inside.  Fancy, I know.

Overall, tote was a success, also now completely obsessed with In Plain Sight....

1 comment:

  1. This turned out so great! I am wildly impressed by the inside pocket. Also, I think this fabric was a good choice because it'll go with everything.

    And another also: Marshall. *sigh* My boyfriend.
