Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A few scary days

We took Naomi to her one week appointment last week.  Her body temperature was at 96.7 so her pediatrician had us wrap her up and see if she would be able to raise it by herself.  We waited half an hour and it dropped to 96.0

We were sent down to the children's ER which was a fee floors down.  It was a long walk, very long.  The doctor said that we would be admitted to the hospital for a few days to run a number of routine tests.  She said it was most likely nothing but since she is so little it had to be done.  

They put her under a heater and her temperature came up.  We had to leave her alone in the room while they did a spinal tap, but we could be with her the rest if the time.  We cried a lot.  It was absolutely terrifying.  We were in the ER from 9 am until almost 8:30pm.  They finally admitted us and we spent 3 days waiting.  They gave her several rounds of antibiotics just in turned out to be nothing.  

She was fine.  She kept her temperature up for those 3 days.  We were sent home.  I am so thankful that she was ok.  I feel for the other families that were there for much longer.  Very scary but all turned out fine.  

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Baby girl

Jake and I have been married for over 4 years now.  We decided that we wanted to start a family back in 2010 when we were in Chile.  The plan was to get to it when we got back to the states….Well, that didn’t go exactly as we had planned.  It turned out that we needed a little help with fertility.  Without going into all the details, we found out I was pregnant while sitting at our favorite Mexican restaurant in March.  I didn't get that moment of satisfaction when the stick turned blue or pink, or if it had two lines or one.  I had a blood test done at the doctors and they called with the results.  It didn't matter we were so happy.  We had tried and waited for what seemed like forever and it was actually happening.  I know there are people who try and try for years and never get to have children.  I feel for them and am eternally grateful to my Heavenly Father that he blessed our family so much.

November 28th 2012 I was 38 weeks and 5 days pregnant.  My feet and legs were horribly swollen.  

I spent the entire day yesterday resting at home.  My blood pressure was pretty high when I went for a checkup and my OBGYN was afraid I might have pre-eclampsia.  I waited to hear from him all day to see if we were going to go in for a c-section that night.  Our little baby girl was breech and if it turned out I had pre-eclampsia he was not letting her stay in past tonight.  I wanted to have her normally, but if having a c-section was the best and safest way to get her here then I was ok with it.

I left work and headed to campus to pick up Jake.  My doctor called while Jake and I were waiting in the parking lot. He said that my test results had me barely under the line for pre-eclampisa (something about the Uric acid levels) and that I had gestational hypertension which leads to pre-eclampsia so we needed to head to the hospital because we were going to have our baby that night.  Jake and I headed to Vanderbilt medical center around 6:00PM.  We waited for about an hour before a nurse came and brought us back.  It took another hour to get me prepped for the OR. 

I was taken in first so they could give me a spinal block, not a full on epidural.  A spinal would only last about 3 hours.  It took about half an hour to get everything done.  It was a bizarre experience to be naked from the waist down and then for it to go completely numb.  Oh the glamour of child birth.  Jake was allowed in once the sheet was up and we were ready to go.  I felt a little bit of tugging and then we heard this little cry.  Naomi Alexandra Sauer was born at 9:35PM, weighing 7 lbs 15 oz and measuring 21.25 inches. 

They took her over to the warmer to get her cleaned up and checked out.  Jake went over to her once the nurse said it was ok.  I couldn't see her at all.  Once she was declared to be healthy Jake brought her over to me.  The way my body was restricted, I couldn't really see her face, but I could hear her.  

Jake then went with her to the nursery while they stitched me back up.  It felt like forever for them to get me sewn back up and back into our room.  I waited a little more than an hour before they finally brought her into the room.  She was absolutely beautiful and all ours. 

Jake said she got her first bath while she was in the nursery and that she grabbed onto his finger and wouldn't let go the entire time.  After all the morning sickness and the swollen feet and the sore back, we finally had our own little family. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

ok...FRESH new start....

So a lot has happened since I last posted.

Jake did NOT get the BYU job, instead he got a job here at Vanderbilt.  He is doing this advising program for undergraduates which he only has to do for like 2 months out of the year and then he gets to teach a class in the Spring semester and that's it.  He could goof off for the entire time in between and get paid for it.  Of course he would never do anything like that...  It is basically a sweet set up AND we didn't have to move all of our books!  That would have been a pain, reason enough to not want to move.  He can renew up to two more years so we could be here for another 3 years if he doesn't get a teaching position somewhere else.

Oh, and another thing, Jake and I are gonna have a kid!  We are pretty excited about it.  I have been absolutely miserable, but I keep telling myself that I wanted this.  We have an ultrasound scheduled for next Monday to find out if it is a boy or girl.  I personally think it's a boy, not sure why, but I just do.  Jake and I keep joking that the poor kid is gonna come out looking like a bobble head doll, nothing but feet and head. 

The due date is Dec 8th, which is my birthday.  I may just cross my legs for a couple days so it can be born on 12-12-12!  Yeah, we'll see how that goes.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Christmas that Pintrest Built

So, I have been on Pintrest for about 6 months or so.  For any of you on Pintrest, there is no need for an explanation about the amount of time spent on Pintrest.  For those of you unfamiliar with Pintrest, it is a site that allows you to “pin” images onto your personal boards.  This is something you can do from any computer anywhere, so you can always have access to your boards and it allows you to pull from different categories.  That is a pretty crappy explanation for the wonderfulness that IS pinterst, so just go here and check it out:

With that being said, I have spent many hours looking through Pintrest and found so many things that wanted to make for people I know.  So, I set to making my Christmas list, and whatever I was able to finish, that’s what they got for Christmas!  I wasn’t able to make everyone on my list a handmade gift this year, but I was happy with the number of handmade gifts I was able to complete.  We didn’t have a lot to work with this year for our Christmas budget, but I feel like everyone got something they would enjoy.

I will be posting each project with a link to the inspiration that I found on Pintrest.  Seriously, if you aren’t on Pintrest then you are missing out…and if you ARE on Pintrest… well then you are in that void that sucks you in and removes any non Pintrest related desires from your heart that I am in.  It’s fun and happy in that void!

Happy Pinning!